under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
Watchtower Toledo buildings renovation designed by STATE-OF-THE-ART designer office
by Gorbatchov infor people who already are bedazzled by the current stream of information about watchtower / jw.org real estate planning, renovation and the emergency stop on the building programma called out, i found today that the renovation design of the (impressive!
) toledo buildings for the watchtower real estate staff, is designed by a state of the art designer.
under the radar
I'm no architectural expert, but I too think the building is "butt-ugly." It does indeed remind me of something from the Soviet bloc. -
My Mom Is Dying
by minimus ini just wanted to say that my dear 89 year old mom is terminally ill and will soon pass.
she is on morphine and hanging on.
she has been a devout witness for about 60 years and a wonderful mother.
under the radar
I am so sorry for your loss, minimus. I lost my own parents within 3 years of each other. They were 81 and 86.
I found comfort in realizing that they were not truly gone, in the sense that they live on in my heart and mind every time I think of them or dream of them or watch a family video from when they were healthy and vibrant loving parents to me and my siblings. Nothing can take those memories away.
Doctors believe that even the very ill or comatose are often aware of their surroundings and hear and understand conversations in the room. Even if you don't think she can hear you, talk to her and let her know how much you love and appreciate her. Stroke her head and hands as you speak to her if that's possible under the circumstances. It will comfort you both.
May she have a painless and peaceful passing, and may you find joy and consolation in the love you shared.
Paint, Barney, and Jehovah
by John Aquila ini made a quick run to lowes to buy some paint and ran into a brother.
he is one of those elders that is very, very, petty.
if he drops by your house unexpected and notices that your kids are watching one of the star wars movies, he will counsel you for allowing your kids to watch any movie that has to do with war he will then make sure you are not recommended for any privilege.
under the radar
Well done, John. Maybe, just maybe, Barney will do more research and discover the truth about the Truth© all on his own. One can hope... -
A True Story: PORTRAIT OF A GIRL and her dog
by Terry inportrait of a girl and her dog.
(a true story by terry edwin walstrom).
her name was cheryl ann draper and she was about 11 years old the day she begged her daddy, who worked at a gas station, to let her go with him to work.
under the radar
Wow! Terry, just when I had decided yet again that your postings were too lofty for my pea brain to "get," here you go and write the finest piece of prose I've read in a very long time. It had to come from deep down in your heart and soul, and it truly moved me. Thank you so much for sharing. Now many of us will remember Cheryl Ann Draper. We may never have known her, but she now lives in our hearts and minds just the same.
I agree with Bonsai and WingCommander that your writing style in pieces like this is very much like that of Stephen King. Please consider that a high compliment. You write with a poignancy that envelops the reader and draws them into the tale. That is not something one learns in Journalism 101. My hat's off to you, Sir.
I hope you will consider entering this essay and, of course, Cheryl Ann's picture, in some writing or photography exhibition. Maybe even a competition. Don't let anyone tell you it would cheapen her story. Rather, it would share her with the larger world and allow her to touch even more hearts. Consider it a tribute to what might have been.
Thanks again, my friend. You made my day.
Royal Commission taking our emails to heart
by wannaexit induring the proceedings of australian royal commission, as many of you, i also took time to share with the office of mr stewart, my thoughts and perspective on what what being said and not said by the witness elders on the stand.
within a day a received a reply from office of angus stewart thanking and appreciating the insight from those on the "inside".
yesterday i received a further email that my correspondence was passed on to case study 29 (jehovah's witnesses) team for their consideration.. it sounds like they are taking all our collective experience and knowledge into account as the commission continues its work..
under the radar
While the hearing was still going on, before Jackson testified, I emailed the commission with some comments about how the Watchtower legal department instructs its people to comply with mandatory reporting requirements. They may comply with the letter of the law, but the way they go about it makes a mockery of the reporting requirements and deliberately flouts the spirit of the law.
The legal department has, or at least had, a form called the Child Abuse Telememo. They used this to guide elders calling in for advice on how to handle a child abuse accusation. Included on the form is one set of instructions for "reporting" states and another with different instructions for "non-reporting" states. If the incident occurred in a "reporting" state, the elder is instructed to make the mandatory report anonymously, such as from a phone booth, with another elder as witness. They are told to document when and to whom it was reported, sign the notes, and put it in the congregation files, just in case they have to prove later that they complied with the law.
I believe this in and of itself proves that they are more concerned with protecting the reputation of the congregation than protecting the victims.
Anyway, I attached a copy of this telememo to the email I sent the Commission. I got a very gracious reply, specifically mentioning the telememo by name. They said they would forward it to the appropriate parties.
I am very impressed with the way the Commission is handling things. They seem to take their responsibilities very seriously, and that's a very good thing.
VA shooting suspect was raised a JW! He mentions it on his Twitter account
by WingCommander inanyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
under the radar
This was a racist hate crime and nothing less.
If the races of the perpetrator and victims were reversed, there would be national outrage and hand-wringing, protest marches, demands for reform, etc., etc. Not to mention the requisite burning and looting of the homes and businesses of people who just happen to be nearby.
Purely from that standpoint, I'm glad the races weren't reversed. Maybe a normal investigation can try to determine exactly what happened and why, without opportunistic grandstanders pushing all the politically correct "hot buttons" to further their own self-serving agendas.
Of course, since this poor soul was subject to discrimination and harassment because of his race and sexual proclivities, and he had such a hard upbringing and suffered such deprivation, he is obviously not to blame for what happened. No way he should be held responsible for his actions. He was just a poor misguided soul who finally succumbed to all the evils society foisted upon him.
It would have been more fitting if he had not taken the coward's way out, but instead had been trapped in his crashed car and slowly roasted to death in the ensuing fire. Either way, he's gone. Good riddance!
Inside Scientology and Escaping the Witnesses Channel 5 Todays Show on YOUTUBE
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-da6b0m1y5s.
under the radar
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing the link.
I wish they had added one last comment at the end where the JWs said that disfellowshipping does not sever the family ties and that normal day to day dealings may continue. That may be technically true, but if and only if the disfellowshipped family member still lives in the household. Anyone else, including parents, children, and other close relatives not living in the same household, is shunned the same as a non-relative.
Go on welfare!
by life is to short ini am going to make this short.
i ran into a older jw women who i have known my whole life.
she is pushing 80 and will never change.
under the radar
I had no idea this mooching was so widespread. It makes my blood boil! The hard working productive people of society as a whole have to support these leeches who simply choose not to work to provide for themselves. JWs who milk the system to Pioneer or whatever are no better than the typical "welfare mothers" who intentionally have kids so they can live on welfare instead of getting a job. Polygamist Mormon groups do the same. They call it "bleeding the beast." All this freeloading has got to stop before the whole country goes bankrupt. We simply must get back to a society where self-reliance and personal responsibility are the hallmarks of good citizenship. There should be a "safety net," yes, but it should only be available to those truly in need due to no fault of their own and not something one can just choose to live on instead of working. I think a certain stigma or shame attached to receiving welfare, or a reluctance to be known to be receiving it, serves a good purpose. Take it if you absolutely must, but only for a long as necessary and get off of it as soon as possible.
By the way, contrary what another poster said earlier, it is NOT "your money," unless you paid into the system and are drawing benefits you yourself earned. Otherwise, you are riding on the work of others and making taxes go up for everyone. You should be ashamed of yourself.
If anyone has proof that a JW is cheating the welfare or disability system but is reluctant to turn them in for any reason, PM me the details and the evidence and I will do it for you. I don't even need your real name. If enough credible cases of outright fraud are brought to light about JWs using the system to support their "ministry," maybe the government or the media would investigate. Everyone loves a nice juicy scandal.
Anything that justifiably discredits or exposes the Society for the corrupt organization it is is worth pursuing. And individuals intentionally getting benefits they are not truly entitled to should be made to face the consequences. If it gives the organization or the god they claim to serve a bad name, so much the better.
Governing Body missing their big chance
by under the radar init seems to me that the governing body is missing an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that they are indeed the faithful and discreet slavetm.
even if, as they claim, they collectively constitute the slavetm only when meeting together to consider spiritual matters, surely any one of their number could expect to be guided by holy spirittm when testifying before the australian royal commission on such an important matter.. in fact, they should widely publicize the hearing and encourage all jw's to watch it live.
this would show they have nothing to fear and really believe all the (hot steaming piles of) spiritual food they've been spewing.. after all, their own translation of the bible says, at matthew 10:18-20, "18 and you will be brought before governors and kings+ for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations.+ 19 however, when they hand you over, do not become anxious about how or what you are to speak, for what you are to speak will be given you in that hour;+ 20 for the ones speaking are not just you, but it is the spirit of your father that speaks by you.".
under the radar
It seems to me that the Governing Body is missing an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that they are indeed the Faithful and Discreet Slave™. Even if, as they claim, they collectively constitute the Slave™ only when meeting together to consider spiritual matters, surely any one of their number could expect to be guided by Holy Spirit™ when testifying before the Australian Royal Commission on such an important matter.
In fact, they should widely publicize the hearing and encourage all JW's to watch it live. This would show they have nothing to fear and really believe all the (hot steaming piles of) spiritual food they've been spewing.
After all, their own translation of the Bible says, at Matthew 10:18-20, "18 And you will be brought before governors and kings+ for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations.+ 19 However, when they hand you over, do not become anxious about how or what you are to speak, for what you are to speak will be given you in that hour;+ 20 for the ones speaking are not just you, but it is the spirit of your Father that speaks by you."
There are several other scriptures that say essentially the same thing, and those statements are in regard to followers of Christ in general. How much more so, then, should it apply to members of the Governing Body.
So if Brother Jackson and the other members of the Governing Body really believe they being used by Jehovah to dispense spiritual food and watch over the "flock of God," he should welcome to chance to demonstrate such guidance before the world, now that the chance has arisen. To do otherwise would be to make a mockery of those scriptures. It would belie their claim to be spirit-directed in any form, and severely undermine their self-assumed "spiritual authority."
All he has to do is admit the child abuse policies and the applications thereof were flawed in the past, sincerely apologize to anyone hurt by them, and say that plans were already underway to correct them and do even more than the law requires. He could say the "two witness rule" only applies to judicial matters within the congregation and not to any criminal matter. Any report of any serious crime, specifically including any allegation of child abuse, committed by a congregation member will be immediately reported to the police so that the law of the land can take its course. The first priority will always be to assure that the child or other victim is safe from any further abuse. Only then may a judicial investigation proceed, and again, only after the authorities have been notified. And no more anonymous notifications either. Only notifications giving names, dates, places, and all other known or alleged information will be good enough. The authorities must be given enough information to protect the victim and start their investigation without delay.
He could accept responsibility on behalf of the Governing Body for the flawed and inadequate policies of the past. After all, the Bible has several examples of faithful men of God who made serious mistakes, openly admitted them, and then atoned for them in one way or another. I would think such an attitude would add to their stature among onlookers, not detract from it. But I seriously doubt any of them would have the humility to take such a course. Pride and hypocrisy are the hallmarks of those who would set themselves up as leaders and examples and yet cower and quibble when questioned publicly by anyone not under their "spell."
I could grudgingly admire Brother Jackson if he showed that he truly believed that scripture in Matthew applied to him, and he testified honestly and openly before the Commission, depending on the Holy Spirit™ to guide his responses. But I don't think he will. I think, if he doesn't weasel out of appearing altogether through some artifice, he will be thoroughly briefed and coached on the use of "doublespeak" and artfully dodge any direct questions about how and by whom policies are determined. And I have no doubt at all that one reason he wants to do it by video link instead of in person is so he can have advisors off-camera telling him what to say if he gets caught blowing smoke.
Regardless, this is gonna be a good show. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
The recent Royal Commission hearings have stirred up my emotions ....
by troubled mind ini hope the royal commission will be able to force the jw organization to take a serious look at itself ,and will cause some much needed changes.. i have been following the trial faithfully ,and unfortunately it has dredged up some deep pains from years ago .
you think some of that old baggage is neatly packed away never meant to see the light of day again .....but then boom there it is again .. hearing what bcg had to go through, and how she felt trying to get help from the elders was heart-wrenching.
i remember the terrible way young women were treated in the 1970's .
under the radar
Dear troubled mind,
I am appalled by the way you were treated! If you were my daughter, I'd (verbally) rip those guys a new one and report them to the police for indecencies with a minor. At the very least, that would cause them a lot of trouble and aggravation.
I am so proud of you for handling things so well and eventually escaping from the cult.
Good luck to you, and have a great life!